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Pete McCory

Host of Weekend Gospel Bluegrass

Pete McCory is glad to be back at WPRZ after a long hiatus.  He helped Sally start the station back in 1981 and was the station’s first announcer, chief engineer, and operations manager.  Pete’s radio experience goes back a long way. He and Sally were co-workers at WEEL in Fairfax before Pete went on to KIX 106 in the DC area.  For a couple of years, Pete recorded contemporary Christian music shows in his home studio for Sally to air on WPRZ (before the station even had a studio!), then moved to Warrenton to help build the ministry.  Since 1996 he’s been known as the One-Man-Band for kids, performing musical shows at schools and childcare centers. Pete’s love of all forms of music, in particular folk and traditional music, brought him back to WPRZ to lend a hand with weekend Gospel Bluegrass.  Serving the Lord through radio and music has always been close to his heart.

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